Kickoff 2019

You guys won’t believe this… A new FRC season has just begun!

This weekend we had the official Kickoff which is the beginning of the 2019 season. On that day, we watched the live transmission held by FIRST, which consisted of the explanation of this year's competition, showing the arena, its challenges, and FIRST also released the game manual, which shows all of the details of the game and arena.

As you can see on this picture, the whole team got together for such a special day:

Bringing an arena full of new details, this year’s challenge won our team over, which motivated us to plan strategies as soon as the transmission was over. We had a reading of the manual and then a brainstorm session with a diversity of ideas for this season’s robot.

The marketing, programming and engineering teams had meetings to organize the team members in order to optimize the short time we have to build the robot.

During the next week, we will be building a replica of the arena, identical to the competition’s, so that we can test the robot once we have it. The robot will be built, programmed and tested in only six weeks.

Projection of the competition’s arena.

Tanto a construção quanto a programação do robô deverão ficar prontas até a segunda semana de fevereiro, e enquanto as duas áreas estiverem cumprindo com este trabalho, nós do marketing deixaremos todos vocês por dentro através de nossas redes sociais.  Gostamos de lembrar também, que nossa equipe está extremamente dedicada à estruturação de um dos prêmios mais importantes da competição, o Chairman`s (prêmio destinado à equipe que melhor representa os valores da competição), o qual iremos concorrer novamente neste ano.🙏🏼

It’s worth to mention that we won’t just be building a robot for the competition during these six weeks, we will also be putting into use all of the values and mission of FIRST, because we are more than just a team building a robot: we’re young people in search for a better future through the dissemination of technology.

We have multiple expectations for 2019, and we’re confident about everything that we’ve idealized and planned for our robot, which began to be built on January 7th.

Members of our engineering team with the prototypes of the robot’s mechanisms.

Stay tuned, because the next weeks will be filled with content as we will be covering everything that goes on during the Build Season on our social media, such as our Instagram and Facebook, as well as here on our blog.

If you liked this post check out some of our other texts and get to know more about our team and if you want to keep an eye on our progress, check our Instagram stories for daily updates.

Thank you for reading, and see you soon!

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