How the marketing division is structured inside FRC5800

The number of people inside our marketing team had always been small, composed of only five people. Opposite to our current team, no one apart from the mentors had specific positions within the division.

After our mentor Vinícius joined the team, arose the idea of expanding the amount of people in the area to amplify the team’s visibility and also to specify each person’s position in the area, so that the task division would be fairer and so we could have better coverage of our events, projects and day-to-day activities.

At the beginning of October 2018 we opened new spots in our team, and so beginning our selective process (PS Marketing). The process lasted about 3 weeks.

First lecture of the selective process

At the end of the process, 10 new students joined the team.

Currently, we have sub-areas within the division, but they all aim towards the same goal. Confused? Don’t worry, we’ll explain it a bit better in a second...

We are subdivided into four guilds, small groups of people within the marketing area that work together but have different jobs amongst them so that every task our team has is easier to complete and we are able to bring you better and greater content!

We have the Intelligence, Creation, Content and Web guilds.

Intelligence Guild

The first guild is responsible for creating team strategies, managing our emails and creating tasks to the students of the other guilds.

It’s where the mentors and the student captain of the area work. Therefore, whenever a student needs assistance, the Intelligence Guild is the one they look for.

Creation Guild

This part is composed of the students in charge of producing content such as photographs, templates and videos!

These students also work around producing scripts for our videos with other guild’s assistance, such as our writer, who is from the Content Guild.

Após a captura das imagens e cenas  temos a edição desse conteúdo, para que possamos levar ele quentinho à você!

There are new videos every week, so keep an eye for those! And our pictures are out every single day!

Não se esquecendo do designer que traz  produções únicas. Como banners, folders, capas, estrutura do site, convites, etc. Trazendo com seu trabalho uma maneira de comunicação, que expressa por meio de imagens a mensagem que a equipe gostaria de passar.

Part of our Creation Guild, with our photographer, translator, video editor and designer, left to right.

Content Guild

This guild is in charge of our team’s documentation, text production and translations! Whatever involves texts and words is responsibility of this guild’s students.

Our team’s translator and writer, which are part of the Content Guild.

One of this guild’s current project is the online documentation, which is a website where we have text and video guides. For example our brand guidelines, which show the letter fonts and colors we use in our templates and videos, the patterns of usage of our logo, etc.

Também são feitos textos que servem como acompanhamento interno  para ser passado dentro da equipe ou para colaboradores e apoiadores da equipe.

Another example of the function of the marketing team is the production of the requirements for us to compete for the Chairman’s Award.

Esse prêmio foi criado para homenagear equipes que conseguem engajar sua comunidade disseminando e inspirando jovens a entrar no mundo das ciências e  tecnologia.

Our Chairman’s video is already available on our Youtube channel. Interested? Click here.

Social Guild

This guild deals more closely with the public and our social media, as well as publicizing our events and projects to our community. It is divided into two positions, social manager and web manager.

The social manager deals with our social media, such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, making contact with our followers and organizing metrics worksheet which help our team establish our goals for our social media.

The web manager is responsible for the building and managing of our website, as well as extra mechanisms on our social media, such as the Chatbot, on Facebook.

Going on...

Our marketing team’s work is assisted by multiple apps that help us optimize our time, help with the organization of our tasks, are a gateway for us to communicate with the rest of the world, etc. Smartphone apps are, most of the time, some of our best friends!

We are always searching for strategies to improve our performance and plan better methods to finish our tasks. We wish that more people know how we work and see us as an inspiration and that we can grow and take more people with us along the way.

As well as building robots, we also build friendships, connections, good moments and experiences that we will take with us for the rest of our lives and show people around us how incredible this project is!

Wanna know some more about our team’s structure? Comment down below!

Love, our marketing team!


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