The new members and their FIRST Build Season

In August of 2018, we opened selective processes for 3 areas of our team, and we had the pleasure of welcoming:

  • 03 students in the engineering division;
  • 03 students in the programming division;
  • 10 students in our marketing division.
The new members during their first general meeting and team introduction!

How did the selective processes work?

The selective processes of the three areas worked in similar ways, offering lectures and workshops held by our team, and after that, our programming and engineering areas tested people’s knowledge through an exam;

  • Engineering exam: after attending SOLIDWORKS workshops, the students had to take an exam in which they had to build an intake for 2016’s game.
  • Prova feita na programação: Foram dados workshops e depois foi aplicada uma prova  na qual os alunos tiveram que executar códigos.

As for the marketing division’s process, the students were tested through a series of tasks that they had to finish in the course of a week.

An unfortunate issue that our team had always had was the lack of girls involved with the project.

Excellent news, though: 08 out of 16 of our new members are girls!

5800’s main goal is to disseminate technology and robotics and it is essential that everyone gets a chance to be involved in the project, regardless of gender or age.

Part of our marketing team during the first week of 2019’s Build Season.

The much expected Build Season:

After months of anxious waiting for 2019’s Build Season, it was finally here, and it exceeded every expectation!!!!

With the goal of learning a bit more about the experience of our new students during this period, we asked them some questions:

  • How was your first Build Season?
  • Did it meet all of your expectations?
  • What was your favorite day of the Build Season? Why?

“My first Build Season exceeded all my expectations on so many levels. Like our difficult schedules and that we worked with so many new people and built many friendships along the six weeks, which were completely incredible. To me, there isn’t any specific day that I prefer, I think it’s fair to say that my favorite days were the ones that the whole team got together and we realized that even with a limited working space everyone could still get along and have loads of fun.” - Bruna, Marketing student.

“I think my first Build Season was really good, I tried to learn from it and enjoy it the best I could because it was a moment of knowledge sharing inside the team. There were always tasks to be completed, in my area (programming) as well as in the other areas, such as the activities that had to be done by the marketing team or the engineering team. It was a period that actually surprised me. Those six weeks were the toughest weeks of my life, but at the same time, it was very rewarding. The best day was when the whole team hung out to film the Chairman’s video. The team had a great vibe that day, we were all so excited, it was a beautiful day and nearly the whole team was there. We laughed, had so much fun and managed to get some incredible footage for our video.” - Eduardo, Programming student.

“My first Build Season was great and I had many incredible experiences. It did meet my expectations because I learned so much, especially things related to engineering.” - Pedro, Engineering student.

Even though, as seen above, the experience was so amazing and rewarding, it was also a moment that our team had to go through a diversity of challenges and difficult tasks.

Those six weeks were filled with personal growth and responsibilities that brought the team together more than ever.

Marketing and engineering students posing for a photo!!

Wanna learn more about our team’s Build Season?

If you’re interested and wish to know a bit more about this year’s Build Season, take a look at our other posts in our blog and follow our social media accounts @frc5800, where you’ll see a bunch of posts showing more of our experience.


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